Emirates HR, who have been using a QMS system for over 15 years has upgraded to QMS 700i. Used in its Employee Services Centre, the new system incorporates enhancements in several areas, including system reliability, network security, system scalability, mobile technology, system installation and support. System status information and reporting features have also been improved.
According to the team at Emirates HR, the system met their minim requirements. The new QMS 700i features a powerful embedded Queue Processor and uses the Ethernet LAN as the standard communication media because of its network robustness and reliability. WiFi connectivity is also supported. Encryption is used on wired and wireless LAN during data transmission to safeguard the information especially when sensitive data such as personal ID, password, financial figures, etc. are involved.
QMS700i system can be configured as a self-contained network which automatically assigned its local IP addresses. The team at Emirates HR commented that the basic functions of the new QMS system are end user friendly and generates monthly reports and integrates with their systems.
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