Revolutionizing Robotics – The Merger of TEMI and Robocore

As we embrace the new year, it’s exciting to witness the innovative strides in the world of robotics. Our recent conversation with Roy Lim, CEO of Robocore, shed light on their remarkable journey and the merger with temi, a pivotal moment in their history.

The Merger Story

In an insightful dialogue, Roy Lim recounted the journey of Robocore, highlighting its initial role as a distributor for temi since 2019. Their investment in TEMI and gradual evolution to becoming the sole distributor in China laid the foundation for a more integrated partnership. The merger, completed in November 2023, has simplified the structure, with Robocore now owning 100 percent of Robotemi and functioning as the headquarters for all operations.

For us at Jacky’s Business Solutions, as a long-standing partner of temi for the region, this merger brings continuity and enhanced opportunities. Despite the ownership change, operational processes remain the same, with purchases still routed through the global team. The restructuring introduces a broader range of solutions and innovations for Jacky’s to leverage in its offerings.

Innovation and Solutions

Roy Lim enthusiastically discussed the expansion of their product range, including around 50 different apps for temi, and various hardware add-ons like sanitizer dispensers, temperature sensors, and more. The introduction of the temi platform in 2023 marks a significant leap, allowing customization of hardware components, creating robots tailored to specific customer needs.

In the Middle East, Lim emphasized the potential in education and smart building sectors. With the region’s focus on educational enhancement and the proliferation of smart buildings, especially in the UAE, Robocore’s solutions are well-positioned to meet these emerging needs.

Looking Ahead

An interesting aspect of Robocore’s approach is the emphasis on community and collaboration. Lim highlighted a global distributors’ meeting as a forum for sharing market insights and customer requests, fostering a collaborative environment for innovation.

As we anticipate the unfolding of this partnership, stands at the forefront of bringing these innovative solutions to its customers. The merger not only signifies a structural change but also heralds a new era of robotic solutions tailored to meet diverse market demands, particularly in the Middle East.

The conversation with Roy Lim offers a glimpse into the dynamic world of robotics and the promising future it holds. With Robocore at the helm, we can expect a blend of technological advancement and customer-centric solutions, making the future of robotics more exciting than ever.

If you want to explore temi as a service for your organisation, reach out to our team on

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