Flexa has launched its Miura Plus, a high-performing, cutting machine for X and Y trimming of flexible materials with automatic vertical cutting correction. It combines horizontal and vertical cutting for the fastest finish for your printed and unprinted rolls.
If you cut billboards and other flexible media by hand, the new Miura Plus can automate this process by saving money and time. In addition, it is very fast: it can cut one roll of 50 meters (164 ft) in 3 minutes (depending on the type of media) with high accuracy thus saving on wastage. The machine also saves on labour costs because once the parameters are set, the machine works without the operator's assistance.
Suitable for flexible materials including paper, PVC banner, wallpaper, vinyl, for both back-lit & front-lit displays, magnetic rubber, canvas and many more, this should provide local signage teams the flexibility for more creative ideas for their customers.
If you want to get more information, drop us an email on Giselle.Olavario@www.jackys.com.