Earlier this year, we shared a story about how Dolci & Capricci had expanded his robot workforce that now includes Pepper from Softbank Robotics and Bella and Pudu hospitality robots from Pudu Robotics. The restaurant, specialising in Sicilian cuisine, recently hosted the official opening of its branch in Masdar City in Abu Dhabi where the full line-up of robots that now includes Temi as well, welcomed customers and VIP guests.
The restaurant used Pepper, Bella and Pudu bots to create a video invitation to guests on social media. Our team recorded several images but here is one they did of the inauguration where Temi played the Italian and UAE National anthems to welcome the guests and were around to help with information and service to the customers.
Time Out Abu Dhabi shared an extensive write up on the experience when they visited the outlet and met the robots in person.
Restaurant owner, Alberto Leotta will continue to work with the team at Jacky’s Business Solutions to explore and get the most out of his robot workforce.
If you are a restaurant owner or run a hospitality business and would like to explore this for your outlet, reach out to our team on vms.sales@www.jackys.com to set up a demo.